Shanghai, Hiina
Esmaspäevast laupäevani 9.00-20.00

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Tuuleelekter ja vesinik Eesti arengu veduriks

arengut soodustava seadusandliku keskkonna loomisele, tuuleenergia teadlikkuse ja positiivse avaliku kuvandi suurenemisele ning tuuleenergia tootmis-, tasakaalustamis- ja …

Oleme Baltimaade suurim tuuleenergia tootja

Toodame täna puhast tuuleenergiat Eestis ja Leedus. Enefit Greenile kuulub 22 tuuleparki ja oleme seega Baltimaade suurim tuuleenergia tootja. Vaata lisa! Meie tuulepargid asuvad Eestis ja Leedus Enefit Greenile kuulub Eestis ja Leedus 22 tuuleparki ning neis ...


SASAC is de afkorting van State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. Het is een speciale commissie van de overheid van de Volksrepubliek China en wordt direct beheerd door de Staatsraad van de Volksrepubliek China .

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About Us

The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) is an institution directly under the management of the State Council. It is an ad-hoc ministerial-level organization directly subordinated to the State Council.The Party Committee of SASAC performs the responsibilities mandated by the Central Committee …

CNOOC Heading to High-Quality Development

first 100 billion-cubic meter self-run deepsea gas field [Photo/sasac.gov.cn] Clean energy supply Energy transformation, green and low-carbon development has been a global trend in recent years. Therefore, …

Tuuleenergia Eestis – Vikipeedia

Tuuleturbiin Tahkuna poolsaarel Hiiumaal 2020 oli Eestis tuuleenergia elektrijaamade koguvõimsus 320 MW. Töös olevate tuuleenergia allikate koguvõimsus Eestis on 184 MW, ligikaudu 546 MW väärtuses projekte on arendamisel. Kõik senised tuulepargid asuvad maismaal, veekogudes on plaanis tuulepargid ehitada Peipsi järvele ja Läänemerele …

Energiasalv sai vesisalvesti ehitamiseks veel 11 miljonit eurot

Energiasalv sai vesisalvesti ehitamiseks veel 11 miljonit eurot. Energiasalv Pakri OÜ kaasas Paldiskisse rajatava Eesti esimese suuremahulise vesisalvesti ehitamiseks …


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Genertec Achieves Fruitful Results along the Belt and Road

The 100MW Kaposvar solar power plant in Kaposvar [Photo/sasac.gov.cn] In Jan 2021, the 100MW Kaposvar solar power plant in Kaposvar, Hungary, was connected to the grid, becoming the largest photovoltaic power plant in Central and Eastern Europe. The ...

Zhejiang SASAC-supervised SOEs record Jan-April profits of …

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) supervised by Zhejiang provincial SASAC maintained steady profits between January and April, recording total profits of 12.89 billion yuan ($2.01 billion), up 46.5 percent year-on-year.

Tuuleenergia | Kliimaministeerium

Tuuleenergia arendamine on kulutõhus lahendus taastuvelektri tootmiseks Eestis. Selle kasutegur ehk tegeliku toodangu suhe teoreetilisse maksimumtoodangusse on …

What We Do

The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) is an institution directly under the management of the State Council. It is an ad-hoc ministerial-level organization directly subordinated to the State Council.


The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) is an institution directly under the management of the State Council. It is an ad …

BaltCap exits wind farms in Lithuania and Estonia to Lietuvos …

BaltCap, the largest private equity and venture capital investor in the Baltics, exited 18MW Tuuleenergia wind farm in Estonia and 24MW Eurakras wind farm in Lithuania. These …

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Chinese-Built Solar Farm, the Largest in Singapore, Goes into Operation

The Tengeh Reservoir''s 60-megawatt floating solar farm project, the largest of its kind in Singapore and the largest drinking water reservoir floating photovoltaic (PV) power project in the world, went into operation on June 16. Covering a water area of 39 hectares, more


The Party Committee of SASAC performs the responsibilities mandated by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. Conference in Beijing Highlights Sino-Vietnamese Cooperation in State-owned Assets …

SOE Reform to Focus on Managing Capital

According to the latest deployment of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, it will continue to promote State-owned enterprise reform this year, focusing on proper incentive …

CGN in Full Swing in Development of New Energy Project

[Photo/sasac.gov.cn] China''s first development research project integrating offshore wind power and a marine ranch has been put into operation in Yantai, East China''s Shandong Province. It has an installed capacity of 300,000 kW and is the first of its kind built by CGN in North China''s waters.

Taastuvenergia | Elering

Taastuvad energiaallikad on vesi, tuul, päike, laine, tõus ja mõõn, maasoojus, prügilagaas, heitvee puhastamisel eralduv gaas, biogaas ja biomass. Nendest allikatest toodetud …

State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission …

The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council ( SASAC) is a special commission of the People''s Republic of China, directly under the …


CNOOC Grows Together with Shenzhen Special Economic Zone

This year is the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. In the past 40 years, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) witnessed the rapid development of the special economic zone and grew together with the city.

: :2021-10-13,"、", ...

SASAC and Central SOEs Actively Attend 2023 Summer Davos

On June 27, Zhang Yuzhuo, Chairman of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC), attended the opening of the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as Summer Davos, held in Tianjin.

The 4th China Enterprise Forum Held in Shandong

The 4th China Enterprise Forum was held in Jinan, capital city of China''s Shandong Province, on Sept 24. [Photo/sasac.gov.cn] On Sept 24, the 4th China Enterprise Forum (CEF) was jointly held by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration ...


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