Shanghai, Hiina
Esmaspäevast laupäevani 9.00-20.00

Intracavity KTP-based OPO pumped by a dual-loss modulated, simultaneously Q …

An intracavity KTiOPO(4) (KTP) optical parametric oscillator (OPO) pumped by a simultaneously Q-switched and mode-locked (QML) Nd:Gd(3)Ga(5)O(12) (Nd:GGG) laser with an acousto-optic modulator (AOM) and a Cr(4+):YAG saturable absorber is presented. A minimum mode-locking pulse duration underneath th …

Experimental optimization and dynamics solution of …

By applying a prepared 3 nm-thick tungsten diselenide (WSe 2) saturable absorber to an electro-optic (EO) modulated fundamental-light laser, an active and …

Energia salvestamise tehnoloogiad | Energiatalgud

Vesinikuenergeetika oma kontseptsioonilt on energia salvestamine ning selle edastamine vesiniku kujul. Lähtepunktiks selle juures on vesiniku kõrge kütteväärtus . Vesinikku toodetakse hetkel peaasjalikult teistest kütustest, nagu maagaas, nafta, süsi.

Energia salvestamine | Jupiter | ERR

Eesti esimene suuremahuline elektrienergia salvestamise projekt ehk Energiasalv on saanud rohelise tule ehituseks, millega hakatakse pihta 2024. aasta suvel. Mida projekt endast ette kujutab ning mida see energiaturul endaga kaasa toob, räägib Energiasalve juhatuse esimees Peep Siitam.

Intracavity second harmonic generation of passively Q-switch …

We demonstrate passive Q-switching and Q-switched mode locking of Pr 3+-doped fluoride lasers in the visible region using a Cr 4+:YAG saturable absorber. Intracavity frequency …

Energia salvestamine vesinikku

TÖÖJUHEND Töö eesmärk: uurida, kuidas on võimalik salvestada energiat vesinikku ja kasutada saadud vesinikku energiaallikana. Vajalikud vahendid: PEM-kütuseelement gaasikogumissüsteem (plastist veeanumad „H 2" ja „O 2" koos gaasikuplitega)

Elektrienergia salvestamine | Energiatalgud

Kondensaatorenergiasalvesti Kondensaatoreid elektrienergia salvestitena on mitmeid tüüpe: a) plaatkondensaator (lihtsaim kondensaator); b) elektrolüütkondensaatorid; c) ülikondensaatorid (). Käesolevalt on rõhuasetus Ülikondensaatoritel. Ülikondensaatori peamiseks eeliseks on selle kiire laadimis- ja tühjenemistsükkel ning väga pikk eluiga …

Performance simulation of passive Q-switched laser system with intracavity …

Advances in Physics Theories and Applications ISSN 2224-719X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0638 (Online) Vol.60, 2016 27 In general, the build-up time of Q-switched laser pulse is

High Efficiency and High Stability for SHG in a Nd : YVO4 Laser with a KTP Intracavity and Q …

In this paper, the stabilization and high efficiency of an unstable Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) of a Nd : YVO4 laser with a KTP intracavity is carried out by using a passive ...

High-average-power intracavity second-harmonic generation using KTiOPO4 in an acousto-optically Q …

: We have demonstrated high-average-power second-harmonic generation with an output power of 5.6 W at 532 nm by intracavity frequency doubling using Type II KTiOPO(4) in a Nd:YAG laser oscillator acousto-optically Q switched at 5 …

Lensless intracavity focusing in a passively Q-switched all-fiber …

Intense lensless intracavity focusing in a saturable absorber Q-switched all-fiber laser resonator by use of loss arrangement and mode-field-area mismatch between the fibers is investigated for the first time. The intracavity power distribution was related to the ...

Diode-pumped Q-switched Nd:YVO 4 yellow laser with intracavity …

A compact high-power yellow pulsed laser has been demonstrated by use of intracavity sum-frequency mixing in a diode-end-pumped Q-switched Nd:YVO 4 dual-wavelength laser. A three-mirror configuration forming two separate laser cavities is used to optimize the gain match for simultaneous dual-wavelength emission in Q-switched operation.

Energia salvestamise tehnoloogiad | Energiatalgud

Artikkel Energia salvestamise tehnoloogiad kirjeldab erinevaid tehnoloogiaid, kuidas energiat salvestada, akumuleerida. Eesti olud ning tehnoloogia maksumus Seotud artiklid: Hüdroenergia ressurss Eesti tingimustes peetakse kõige sobivamaks tehnoloogiaks PHAJ ehitamist. ehitamist.

Diode-pumped Nd:YVO/sub 4/ Q-switched yellow laser by intracavity …

Summary from only given. We report on a compact efficient scheme to generate 593 nm laser based on intracavity sum frequency mixing (SFM) of a diode pumped Q-switched Nd:YVO/sub 4/ dual wavelength laser.

Intracavity optical parametric oscillator pumped by an actively Q …

A non-critically phase-matched KTiOPO4 optical parametric oscillator (OPO) intracavity pumped by a laser diode end-pumped acousto-optically Q-switchedNd:YAG laser is experimentally demonstrated. The highest average power is obtained at the pulse repetition rate (PRR) of around 15 kHz, which is different from the widely reported Nd:YVO4 laser …

Intracavity frequency doubling at 261nm of an actively Q …

Intracavity frequency doubling at 261nm of an actively Q-switched Pr:LiYF 4 laser. In 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2013 Article 6600462 (Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO - Technical Digest).

Investigation of a highly compact intracavity actively Q-switched …

The slope efficiency of the intracavity diamond laser is improved by optimizing the output coupling rate and adjusting the repetition rate of the 1064 nm fundamental laser. …

Energia salvestamine

Kui energia tootmine ületab tarbimise (nt. tugev tuul) tekib vajadus ülejäänud energia salvestamiseks, et hoida seda ajaks mil tuulevaikusest või tarbimise kasvust tingituna on vaja rohkem energiat kui turbiinid antud hetkel toota suudavad. Väiksemate ja autonoomsete ...

Investigation of a highly compact intracavity actively Q-switched cascade …

A laser diode (LD) pumped intracavity chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond cascade Raman laser is reported here. By rotating a Brewster plate (BP) in the laser resonator, the Raman laser with tunable output coupling rate is achieved. The highly compact diamond laser emitted 1240 nm and 1485 nm St …

Intracavity second-harmonic generation tunable dual-frequency passively Q …

Abstract. An intracavity, second-harmonic generation, tunable, dual-frequency, passively Q-switched Nd:YAG laser based on a T-resonator configuration with polarization splitting is proposed, whose frequency difference could be doubled in comparison with fundamental lasing. The Nd:YAG, Cr4 + : YAG, and potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) crystals were …

Intracavity frequency doubling acousto-optic Q-switched high …

The ongoing advancement of Ti:sapphire femtosecond laser technology has drawn increasing attention to high repetition rate, high-energy green lasers as ideal pump sources for Ti:sapphire regenerative amplifiers. This study employed a neodymium-doped yttrium lithium fluoride (Nd:YLF) as the gain medium, supplemented with side-pumped laser …

Output Characteristics of Q-switched Solid-State Lasers Using Intracavity …

The output behavior of a Nd:YAG solid-state laser actively Q-switched by a MEMS scanning micromirror is presented. Using a gold-coated micromirror, maximum average output powers of 50 mW and pulse durations as short as 120 ns were obtained with a dual beam output. This output pattern originates from a pulse emission when the micromirror is at an angle …

An LED-Side-Pumped Intracavity Frequency-Doubled Nd,Ce:YAG Laser Producing a 2W Q …

We report a high-average-power acousto-optic (AO) Q-switched intracavity frequency-doubled red laser based on a high-efficiency light-emitting-diode (LED) pumped two-rod Nd,Ce:YAG laser module. Under quasi-continuous wave operation conditions, a maximum output power of 1319.08 nm wavelength was achieved at 11.26 W at a repetition rate of …

[PDF] Optimization of an intracavity Q-switched solid-state second …

In this paper, the model of an intracavity Q-switched second order Raman laser is established, the characteristics of the output 2nd Stokes are simulated. The dynamic …

Intracavity ultra-broad supercontinuum generation from a figure-9 …

Intracavity supercontinuum generation based on self-Q-switch assisted by stimulated Brillouin scattering is experimentally demonstrated from an all-fiber Ytterbium laser in the …

Intracavity KTiOPO/sub 4/ electro-optic Q-switch-frequency …

We studied a Nd:KGd(WO/sub 4/)/sub 2/ laser (/spl lambda/ = 1.067 /spl mu/m, flash-lamp pumping) with KTiOPO/sub 4/ (KTP) serving as both an intracavity electrooptic Q-switch and frequency doubler. An alternating electric field was applied along the z-axis of KTP. The considerable increase in the efficiency of the frequency doubling was achieved for the …

Intracavity frequency doubling at 261nm of an actively Q …

We report actively Q-switched deep ultra-violet laser operation at 261nm by intracacity frequency doubling of InGaN laser diode pumped Pr:LiFY4 laser. We obtained a maximum peak power of 61.6W(8.7 μJ/pulse) at 261 nm.

Q-Switched Tm:YAG Laser Intracavity-Pumped by a 1064nm Laser …

Q-Switched Tm:YAG Laser Intracavity-Pumped by a 1064nm Laser MA Qing-Lei 1,3, ZONG Nan 1,3, XIE Shi-Yong 1,3, YANG Feng 1,3, GUO Ya-Ding 2, XU Jia-Lin 2, BO Yong 2, PENG Qin-Jun 2, CUI Da-Fu 2, XU Zu-Yan 2 1 Laboratory of Optical Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 2 RCLPT, Key Lab of Functional …

5: Calculated intracavity peak power fluence as a function of the.

The data points represent the calculated intracavity peak power fluence for the laser configurations studied. The horizontal line corresponds to the calculated damage …

Intracavity second-harmonic generation tunable dual-frequency passively Q …

An intracavity, second-harmonic generation, tunable, dual-frequency, passively Q-switched Nd:YAG laser based on a T-resonator configuration with polarization splitting is proposed, whose frequency difference could be doubled in comparison with fundamental lasing. The Nd:YAG, Cr<SUP>4 + </SUP> : YAG, and potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) crystals …

Compact efficient passively Q-switched Nd:GdVO4/PPLN/Cr4+:YAG tunable intracavity …

We report on a compact efficient diode pumped passively Q-switched Nd:GdVO4/Cr4+:YAG/PPLN intracavity optical parametric oscillator (OPO) with a shared-resonator configuration. Experimental results reveal that the amplitude stability of the shared-resonator configuration is substantially superior to that of the conventional …

Mode locking of a Q-spoiled Nd3+ doped glass laser by intracavity …

Mode locking has been obtained in the case of a Q-spoiled solid state laser by intracavity phase modulation. The modulation depth of the laser emission depends on the applied phase retardation amplitude and on the initial population inversion. References (7) M. ...

Q-switching near-infrared multiwavelength generation by intracavity …

We report on the generation of a stable multiwavelength Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser based on tungsten oxide nanoparticles (WO 3 NPs) combined with an intracavity comb filter for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. The prepared WO 3-PVA thin film has a modulation depth and saturable intensity of 20% and 100 MW/cm 2, respectively.

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