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Transnistria: The breakaway region torn between Moldova, Russia …

The 55-year-old former judge does not identify as Russian, as most people in Transnistria do, but rather as a Moldovan with Bulgarian roots. "Russia is in charge here," said Iancev.

Outline of Transnistria

Wikimedia Atlas of Transnistria BBC: Profile of Trans-Dniester Economist: The black hole that ate Moldova Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Mission to Moldova Radio Free Europe: Transdniester Conflict Was Long In The Making Jos Boonstra, "Moldova, Transnistria, and European Democracy Polices", FRIDE, February 2007 ...

History of Transnistria

This is the history of Transnistria, officially the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR), an unrecognised breakaway state that is internationally recognised as part of Moldova.

Five things to know about Russian-backed Transnistria

Moldova''s president warned they were an attempt to escalate tensions, blaming "pro-war factions" within the breakaway territory. Here is what you should know about Transnistria and why it ...

How Transnistria, a Russian-backed region in Moldova, is getting …

Since then, Transnistria has played host to thousands of Russian troops – currently estimated at 1,500 – and developed a reputation as a land lost to time, a Soviet wormhole within a young ...

Millised on erinevused vahelduvvoolu ja alalisvoolu vahel?

Erinevused vahelduvvoolu ja alalisvoolu vahel on elektrienergia juhtimiseks ja ülekandmiseks kasutatava pinge tüüp, voolu suund ja transporditava ja salvestatava energia hulk (Diffen, 2017). The vahelduvvoolu ja alalisvoolu erinevused Need põhinevad elektrienergia juhtimiseks ja edastamiseks kasutatava pinge tüübil, voolu suunda ning …

Celebrating a nation that doesn''t exist

But in Transnistria (also spelled Trans-Dniester), a sliver of land tracing Moldova''s border with Ukraine for 400km, the capital''s Independence Day celebrations are the highlight of the year ...

Elektriauto alalisvoolu kontroller – Vikipeedia

Lingid siia Seotud muudatused Erileheküljed Püsilink Lehekülje teave Viita leheküljele Hangi lühendatud URL Laadi alla QR-kood Curtis 1226BL alalisvoolu kontroller. Lihtne alalisvoolu kontroller, mis on ühendatud akude ja alalisvoolumootoriga. Kolmefaasiline


Cuvântul „Transnistria" (cu echivalentele semantice în rusă: Приднестровье și în ucraineană: Придністров''я) se referă la regiunea de peste râul Nistru (dinspre Moldova sau România) și, din punct de vedere istorico-geografic, desemnează trei teritorii: De jure regiunea autonomă oficial numită Unitățile administrativ-teritoriale din stânga Nistrului ...

Transnistria: The Strangest Place on Earth

Discover the hidden world of Transnistria, a small, mysterious region in Eastern Europe, claiming independence but recognized by only a few breakaway states....

What is Transnistria and why does it matter to Russia?

Transnistria, home to 450,000 people by its own estimates, has become an awkward regional feature. There is no hard border with Moldova (see map). The region uses much of the country''s public ...

3.1.1. Eesti põhivõrk | Elering

Kaks alalisvoolu ühendust, EstLink 1 ja EstLink 2, ühendavad Eestit ja Soomet; Eesti ja Läti vahel on kolm vahelduvvoolu ühendust; Eesti ja Venemaa vahel on kolm vahelduvvoolu ühendust, kaks Narva juures ning kolmas Pihkva juures.

Transnistria profile

The separatist region of Transnistria or Trans-Dniester is a narrow strip of land between the Dniester river and the Ukrainian border. It proclaimed its independence from Moldova in 1990, ...

Transnistria, a volatile pro-Russian enclave

Transnistria, a volatile pro-Russian enclave Tensions are rising in this territory bordering Ukraine, which seceded from Moldova in the early 1990s. Russia has a force of 1,500 men and local ...


Transnistrien, Transdnjestr eller Pridnestrovie er et ikke FN-medlemsland primært beliggende på en stribe land mellem floden Dnestr og den østlige moldaviske grænse til Ukraine.Siden uafhængighedserklæringen i 1990, og især efter krigen i Transnistrien i 1992, bliver området de facto regeret som Den Pridnestroviske Moldaviske Republik …

Transnistria: The History Behind the Russian-backed Region

Nestled between the Dniester River to the west and the Ukrainian border to the east lies the self-proclaimed breakaway state of Transnistria. The Pridnestrovian Moldovan Republic (PMR)—to use the official name—is internationally recognized as a part of Moldova but has maintained de facto independence since 1992.


,、(Transdenestan)(:Приднестровье …

Moldova eyes energy lever to topple Kremlin puppet regime in …

The Russian-owned Cuciurgan power plant in Transnistria is Moldova''s largest energy source, supplying around four-fifths of the country''s power in exchange for hundreds of …

Transnistria – Wikipedia

Transnistria, offisielt transnistrisk moldavisk republikk, selvbetegnelse Den pridnestroviske moldaviske republikk. Regionen er internasjonal anerkjent som del av Moldova, men opptrer som en utbryterrepublikk. Økonomisk blir regionen støttet av Russland østsiden ...

Transnistria and Ukraine conflict: Is war spreading?

Mysterious explosions in Transnistria raise fears that the Ukraine conflict may spread to Moldova. After World War Two, Moscow created Moldova''s forerunner, the Moldavian ...

The final frontier: Ending Moldova''s dependency on Russian gas

This electricity is then sold to Moldova, making up around 70 per cent of the country''s power supply. Ending this last dependency is key to undermining the Kremlin''s Transnistrian '' …

Transnistria is asking Russia for protection. Here''s what to know

Pro-Russian rebels in a separatist sliver of Moldova have asked President Vladimir Putin to protect their region from what they claim are threats from Moldova''s pro-Western government.

Status of Transnistria Under International Law | SpringerLink

Transnistria, also known as Transdniestria, Pridnestrovie, or "Pridnestrovian Moldovan Republic" (PMR), is a separatist territory lying between the left bank of the Dniester River and the internationally recognized Moldova-Ukraine border. While it has considered itself ...

Transnistria – Vikipeedia

Transnistria nimi tuleneb rumeenia keelest ja nimi tähendab Dnestri-tagust ala, kirjeldades riigi ala Moldova poolt vaadates. Nime kasutatakse eeskätt kõnekeeles ning peamiselt Transnistriast läände jäävatel aladel. Transnistria enda määratud ametlik nimi on Pridnestrovje Moldaavia Vabariik ning lühike ametlik nimekuju on Pridnestrovje, …

Transnistria: Ukraine denies attempt on Moldova separatist …

Kyiv says reports of an assassination attempt on the Transnistria leader are a Russian provocation. Moldova itself has a pro-Western government but fears Russia is plotting a ...


Il nome della regione deriva dal fiume Nistro (dal nome latinizzato del fiume Dnestr): la Transnistria è, infatti, posta sulla sponda orientale di questo fiume.Il nome formale, sancito dalla Costituzione della Repubblica, è Приднестровская Молдавская Республика (Pridnestrovskaja Moldavskaja Respublika) in russo, Република Молдовеняскэ ...


Transnistria, in English, also referred to as Pridnestrovie, officially the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, is a de facto state in Eastern Europe that is internationally recognised as part of Moldova. No UN member …

Five things to know about Russian-backed Transnistria

What does Transnistria have to do with the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Russia has an estimated 1,500 soldiers in Transnistria, which Moscow refers to as a "peacekeeping" force.


Alalisvool Alalisvoolu puhul on elektrivoolu suund alati ühesugune. Kokkuleppeliselt + poolelt - poolele. Reaalselt on aga laengu kandjad elektronid ehk negatiivse laenguga osakesed. Järelikult liigub vool hoopis - klemmilt + klemmile. Alalisvoolu annavad välja kõik energia salvestus seadmed

The tiny statelet of Transnistria is squeezed on all sides

Transnistria has survived as a statelet thanks to smuggling and cheap Russian gas. In 2022 Ukraine sealed its border with Transnistria, ending its access to Odessa''s ports. …

Transkraniaalne alalisvoolu stimulatsioon depressiooni …

Transkraniaalne alalisvoolu stimulatsioon (tDCS, ingl k transcranial direct current stimulation) on uus depressiooni ravimeetod, mis põhineb peaaju stimulatsioonil nõrga …

Transnistria profile

Transnistria contains most of Moldova''s industrial infrastructure, but its economic potential is limited by its international isolation. It has its own currency, constitution,...


Transnistria, officially known as the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR), is a breakaway state internationally recognized as part of Moldova. Transnistria controls most of the narrow strip of land between the …

Transnistria, ecco perché il territorio è finito nel mirino della Russia

La comunità internazionale non la riconosce e il governo de-facto, che rimane in una situazione di stallo con la Moldavia, è sostenuto economicamente, politicamente e militarmente dalla Russia ...

Transnistria – Store norske leksikon

Transnistria er en region i republikken Moldova. Arealet er på 4163 kvadratkilometer med 465 800 innbyggere (2020). Størstedelen av Transnistria utgjøres av en omtrent 200 kilometer lang stripe land øst for elva Dnestr, og grenser til Ukraina i øst.

How to travel to Transnistria in 2024 (Tips + Itinerary)

Visas, how to get there, things to do, money and everything you need to know to travel to the unrecognized country of Transnistria in Moldova Unlike other unrecognized republics in the region such as Abkhazia or South Ossetia, Russia doesn''t recognize Transnistria as an independent country. ...

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