Shanghai, Hiina
Esmaspäevast laupäevani 9.00-20.00

Sobre Nós

Hoje, a RISKID é o fornecedor de ferramentas de gestão de riscos que mais cresce na Holanda. Somos especializados em software de gerenciamento de risco, software de avaliação de risco e software de análise de risco e nos dedicamos exclusivamente a ajudar as empresas a melhorar seus processos de gestão de riscos através da colaboração.

Gestão de Riscos

Gestão de Riscos RISKID O RISKID prioriza uma abordagem interativa e uma participação ativa no processo análise de risco e gerenciamento. O acesso on-line reduz o tempo e as complexidades, e nossa interface de fácil utilização funciona muito como uma plataforma social, incentivando a interação, melhorando o engajamento e aumentando a …


RISKID offers practical solutions to your organization''s risk management needs. Be it cyber security or safety management, we got you covered. Request a Demo We can keep writing how amazing our products and features are, but it''s nothing compared to seeing

Olukord kinnisvaraturul: ega kodu ostmata jää

Vajadus kodude järele on pidevas muutumises olenemata sellest, mis ümbritsevas maailmas toimub. Hinnas on A-energiaklassi eramud ja ka kortermajad – energiatõhusus …

Zusammenfassende Information für Ärzte

Handeln bevor es zu spät ist: das RISKID Informationssystem Stand – März 2022 Übersicht: Um Misshandlungen sicherer und frühzeitiger zu erkennen und gleichzeitig Eltern vor falschem Verdacht zu schützen wurde von Duisburger Kinder- und Jugendärzten für

Passo 4: Gerenciando Riscos e Planos de Ação no RISKID

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Our mission at RISKID is to let organizations manage risks together through technology, so that it becomes an integral part of doing business. We believe effective risk management can only be ...


At RISKID we believe in joining forces with partners to go further in business together. If you believe in the RISKID concept for risk management; collaborative and ease of use.Then we are looking for you. Send us a message and we will get in touch with you.

LGPD – Execute DPIA com RISKID

RISKID é uma das empresas de software de gerenciamento de risco que mais cresce e tem mais sucesso no BeNeLux (Belgica, Holanda e Luxemburgo), com atuação internacional e expansão no Brasil. O RISKID é uma ferramenta de gerenciamento de riscos que coloca as pessoas em primeiro lugar e, em comparação com as alternativas existentes, gera …

RISKID | LinkedIn

RISKID | 2,142 followers on LinkedIn. Collaborative Risk Management Software - Shared, Simple, Swift | RISKID is a Collaborative Risk Management software that focuses on collaboration and ease of use. Meaning: with our tool you can involve all stakeholders in the


TeamSupport Creating Together B.V.CEO。TeamSupport,RISKID。。

Energia salvestamine – Vikipeedia

Energia salvestamine pole midagi uut. Patareisid on kasutatud alates 1800. aastast ja hüdroenergia on USA-s töötanud alates 1920. aastatest. Kuid nõudlus dünaamilisema ja …

RISKID | LinkedIn

RISKID | 2.412 volgers op LinkedIn. Collaborative Risk Management Software - Shared, Simple, Swift | RISKID is a Collaborative Risk Management software that focuses on collaboration and ease of use. Meaning: with our tool you can involve all stakeholders in the

KÕVA SÕNA Kohilasse kerkivad uued energiatõhusad ridaelamud

Kohilasse kerkivad uued energiatõhusad ridaelamud. Viigimetsa kodud. Foto: Restate. Käesoleva aasta lõpus algab Viigimetsa kodude ehitus Kohilas, 18 uut kodu valmib …

How to do the risk scoring step in a risk workshop? (RISKID step …

This animation explains how to evaluate risks on probability and impact(s) in RISKID. This can be done efficiently online. The risk perception of all stakeho...

Our Story

RISKID was founded as a startup in 2009 by three then-students at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. The software project that started our journey was based on a Group Decision Support System (GDSS) to facilitate a …


Welkom bij RISKID. Voer uw email in om in te loggen. Deutsch English Español Français Melayu Nederlands Português ا ل ع ر ب ي ة Volgende V.1.27.0 ...

How to Manage and Monitor Risks? (RISKID step 4/4)

This video explains how to manage risks and measures in RISKID. For more information about our risk management tool, please visit our website: https://riskid...

RISKID on LinkedIn: #riskid #venturecapital #riskmanagement …

🌟 Celebrating a Successful Event at RISKID China! 🌟 We''re thrilled to share the success of our recent event at RISKID China, where our Development Director,… 🌿🌾 RISKID na Hortitec ...

RISKID | LinkedIn

RISKID | RISKID is a risk management tool that focuses on two things: collaboration and ease of use. We believe effective risk management can only be achieved by involving all ...

Energiasäästlik uus kodu

Päikesepaneelide paigaldamine on saamas uusarendustes valmivate uute kodude puhul üha tavalisemaks nähtuseks. Esmapilgul võib paneelide soetamine tunduda suure …


RISKID Risicomanagement RISKID staat voor een interactieve aanpak en actieve deelname aan het risicoanalyse en -management proces. Online toegang vermindert tijd en complexiteit, en onze gebruiksvriendelijke interface werkt als een sociaal platform, waardoor interactie wordt aangemoedigd, de betrokkenheid wordt verbeterd en het risicobewustzijn …

Finnlog Ltd. on LinkedIn: #saun #kodu #puitmaja #finnlog

Kuigi Sauna-aasta 2023 hakkab vaikselt läbi saama, siis võime julgelt kinnitada, et eestlaste saunavaim ei rauge niipea. ♨️ Aastate jooksul on Finnlog…

10 põhjust, miks energiasalvesti on su kodu ja rahakoti ...

Viis aastat tagasi päikseparkidesse investeerinud koduomanikud on oma investeeringud tasa teeninud ja võivad suvekuudel nautida tasuta energiat. Kui liita oma …


6. Fachtag Kinderschutz in Duisburg 31. Januar 2024 ab 14 Uhr im Abteizentrum neben der Helios-St. Johannes Kinderklinik: Mit aktuellen Vorträgen und der Verleihung des Gerd-Unterberg-Preises durch RISKID e.V. Programm mit klick auf Weiterlesen November ...

Kas kodu uues majas on energiasäästlikum?

Statistikaameti 2021. aasta andmed näitavad, et Eesti elanikest 53% elab kodudes, mis on ehitatud vahemikus 1961-1990. Viimasel kümnendil, ehk 2011-2019 või hiljem ehitatud …

Miks eelistada kodu ostes kõige energiasäästlikumaid hooneid?

LHV soovib edendada kõige energiatõhusamate kodude rajamist ja soetamist ning seepärast tõid nad esimesena Eestis turule rohelise kodulaenu A-energiaklassiga …

Kodune elektrienergiasalvesti – Vikipeedia

Kodune elektrienergiasalvesti (inglise keeles Electrical Energy Storage, EES) on seade või seadmete süsteem, mille abil salvestatakse kodumajapidamises alternatiivenergia …

Finnlog Ltd. on LinkedIn: #finnlog #kodu #inspiratsioon #kliendilugu

Teretulemast hubasesse Villa Miekka perekodusse! 🏡 Tegemist on Soomes valminud 272 ruutmeetrise CLT-elementmajaga, mis loodi erilahendusena Vantaas elavale…

How to do Better Risk Management?

A better and more effective way to practice risk management: Collaborative Risk Management, it''s all about people and communication.For more information abou...

Ülevaade tuumaenergia riskidest

Eesti kodumaise tuumaenergia pooldajad väidavad, et tuumajaama ehitamisega ning selle töös hoidmisega kaasnevad kulutused ei vaja suuri riiklikke toetusi, sest tegemist on …


O RISKID oferece soluções práticas para as necessidades de gestão de riscos de sua organização. Seja segurança cibernética ou gerenciamento de segurança, nós Solicite Uma Demonstração Podemos continuar escrevendo como nossos produtos e funções são ...

Discussing risks in a risk workshop (RISKID step 3/4)

This animation explains the final step for participants in RISKID: a group meeting to raise risk awareness by discussing risks together. RISKID processes all...

Durchbruch beim Kinderschutz-NRW Politik handelt – weitere Bundesländer folgen

"Düsseldorf (dpa/lnw) – Der Landtag in NRW hat die Schweigepflicht für Ärzte, die bei jungen Patienten auf einen Missbrauchsverdacht stoßen gelockert. Ein neues Gesetz erlaubt es den Medizinern, sich mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen über den jeweiligen Fall auszutauschen." Es ist Ärztinnen und Ärzten bei einem Verdacht auf …

Step 2: Scoring risks in RISKID

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RISKID | 2,415 。Collaborative Risk Management Software - Shared, Simple, Swift | RISKID is a Collaborative Risk Management software that focuses on collaboration and ease of use. Meaning: with our tool you can involve all stakeholders in the risk management process. And we make it easy for you to do so.

Passo 2: Avaliando e Parametrizando Riscos no RISKID

animação explica a avaliação de riscos em sua probabilidade de ocorrência e severidade de impacto no RISKID. Skip to main content Go directly to search Skip to primary navigation Toggle search Menu Produtos Soluções Recursos Artigos Downloads ...

RISKID | LinkedIn

RISKID | 2,353 pengikut di LinkedIn. Collaborative Risk Management Software - Shared, Simple, Swift | RISKID is a Collaborative Risk Management software that focuses on collaboration and ease of use. Meaning: with our tool you can involve all stakeholders in the

Kodu Game Lab | KoduGameLab

Kodu Game Lab is a 3D game development environment that is designed to teach kids basic programming principles. Kodu allows creators to build the world''s terrain, populate it with characters and props, and then program their behaviors and games rules in a

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