Shanghai, Hiina
Esmaspäevast laupäevani 9.00-20.00

Nõuded energiamärgise andmisele ja energiamärgisele

1) maasoojuspump; 2) õhk-õhk soojuspump; 3) õhk-vesi soojuspump. (4) Hoone energiaallikas määratakse ehitisregistri andmete alusel. (5) Juhul kui hoonele pole …

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On September 22, 1982, China International Marine Containers (Group) Ltd. (CIMC Group) formally put into production. CIMC was the pioneering project for attracting foreign investment since Chinese government implemented the reform and opening up policies.

TR-antikehade analüüs asendub TSI analüüsiga

Alates 2. jaanuarist 2017 a. lõpetab SYNLAB Eesti Türeotropiini retseptori IgG ehk TR-antikehade analüüsi teostamise seoses metoodika muutumisega. Nimetatud analüüsi asemel hakkame teostama toksilise struumale (Graves''i tõvele) spetsiifilisemat uuringut Kilpnääret stimuleeriv immuunglobuliin ehk TSI (Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin), …

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China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd.

CIMC Group released the 2023 Annual Report: tackling difficulties and improving quality while maintaining stability to accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces (27 March) 03-27 The First Blue Sky Series Low-Carbon Energy Station of CIMC was Successfully Launched 02-01

Gammaglutamüüli transferaas (GGT)

See analüüs võimaldab hinnata Sinu maksa seisundit, võimalike maksahaiguste esinemist ning kas alkoholi või ravimite tarbimine on kahjustanud maksa. Normist kõrgem GGT tulemus võib esineda ka sapikvitõve, rasvmaksa, kõhunäärmepõletiku, viiruhepatiitide, neeruprobleemide jt haiguste korral.


【】: CIMC China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd.。 ()(000039),,、、、、 ...

Nantong CIMC Sinopacific Offshore & Engineering Co., Ltd.

We, Nantong CIMC Sinopacific Offshore & Engineering Co., Ltd.(in short CIMC SOE) were founded in 2006. With over ten years'' development we are capable of design and manufacture of the most complete series IMO Type C tanks in …

Energiamärgis | Termopilt

Alates 01. jaanuarist 2009 on Eestis energiamärgis kohustuslik: – uutel ehitatavatel hoonetel. – üle 1 000 m2 kasuliku pinnaga avalikel hoonetel. – olemasoleva …

TR-antikehade analüüs asendub TSI analüüsiga

Nimetatud analüüsi asemel hakkame teostama toksilise struumale ( Graves ''i tõvele) spetsiifilisemat uuringut Kilpnääret stimuleeriv immuunglobuliin ehk TSI ( Thyroid …

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2023 CIMC" …

2023CIMC"" : 2023 CIMC"": • -:10 • -:10 • ()- …

Energy, Chemical and Food Equipment

Energy equipment: Taking store and transportation equipment of clean energy CNG/LNG as the key products, we will expand our services to include engineering services and …

Alkoholi liigtarvitamise diagnostika

Alates 13. aprillist alustas Quattromed HTI labor süsivesikdefitsiitse transferriini (CDT) määramist. Süsivesikdefitsiitse transferriini analüüs on näidustatud patsientidel, kellel kahtlustatakse alkoholi liigtarvitamist või kellel esinevad häired võivad olla seotud alkoholi liigtarvitamisega (näiteks maksahaigused, pankreatiit, depressioon), isikutel, kellel on …

CIMC Container Holdings Limited CIMC Vehicles (Group) Co., Ltd. CIMC-TianDa Holdings Company Limited CIMC Modern Logistics Development Co., Ltd. CIMC TransPack Technology Co., Ltd. CIMC ENRIC Holdings Limited CIMC Offshore Engineering

China International Marine Containers

China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd ( CIMC; Chinese: ) is a Chinese company principally engaged in the manufacture and sale of transportation …

2024 CIMC""

2024 CIMC"" 、 ""、,A 。 。


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China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd.

CIMC Group released the 2023 Annual Report: tackling difficulties and improving quality while maintaining stability to accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces (27 March) 03-27 The First Blue Sky Series Low-Carbon Energy Station of CIMC was Successfully Launched 02-01


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2022CIMC"": 6378183751192636039595951 3007 2981 2022- - 2550 | | ...

Company Profile

In 2023, CIMC achieved the sales revenue of RMB 127.8 billion and the net profit of about RMB 18.63 billion. CIMC was founded in January 1980 as a joint venture invested by China Merchants Group and East Asiatic Company in Shenzhen and was initially

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Salvestuse uuringud | Energiatalgud

Energiasalvestite kasutuselevõtt Eesti elektrisüsteemis vähendab tarbijate kulutusi elektrienergiale, vähendab elektritootmise õhuheitmeid, parandab varustuskindlust, …


CIMC Offshore Segment is an active player on the global ocean engineering market. The semi-submersible drilling rigs delivered by the company are operating in main offshore oil …


Key Businesses Design and Construction of Semi-submersible Platform: With unique construction model of deep-water semi-submersible platforms, CIMIC has delivered nine deep-water semi-submersible platforms for the operation in the North Sea of Norway, Brazil, West Africa and the South China Sea; three platforms in the North Sea of Norway have …

2019 CIMC CEO and President Mai Boliang 2018 Shenzhen Business Leaders with Strong Influence in China (Federation of Shenzhen Commerce、Shenzhen General Chamber of Commerce) 2018 2017


CIMC Finance Co., Ltd: it is a CBRC approved non-bank financial institution established for the purposes of consolidating the Group''s centralized capital management and improving the Group''s capital use efficiency and benefits. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of ...

:1982,20'';1996,;200250%。11、200TEU。:1996;2001;2004 ...

Energiatõhususe hindamise ja energiasalvestite arvutuse …

Tehnika taseme ja salvestustehnoloogiate võrdlev analüüs ehk reproduktiivne osa põhineb erialakirjanduses ja konverentsikogumikes avaldatud materjalidel. Produktiivne osa ehk …

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CIMC Enric won the order for LNG fuel tanks for ships

Recently, Nantong CIMC Sinopacific Offshore & Engineering Co., Ltd. ("CIMC SOE"), a subsidiary of CIMC Enric, has successively secured orders for 15 sets of marine LNG fuel tanks, including two sets of 13,000 cubic meters of B-type LNG fuel tanks, 10 sets

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