Shanghai, Hiina
Esmaspäevast laupäevani 9.00-20.00


Agendi a été créée par des personnes affichant des parcours variés et qui partagent une motivation et une passion communes pour le développement durable et le passage à l''action en faveur du climat. Nous sommes toujours à la recherche de personnes talentueuses ayant un parcours unique pour nous maintenir à la pointe du secteur. Si vous partagez

Qui sommes-nous ?

Agendi signifie "ce qui doit être fait" en latin. Il s''agit de notre réponse à l''appel international d''agir sans plus attendre en faveur de la protection du climat et de la biodiversité. Agendi, nous envisageons un monde dans lequel le développment durable est un des fondements clés de notre avenir commun, offrant des opportunités égales en matière de santé,

Narva tööstuspark sai uue tehase

SA Ida-Virumaa Tööstusalade Arendusel on Ida-Virumaal neli arendusprojekti: Narva Tööstuspark, Jõhvi Äripark, Kohtla- Järve Tööstuspark ja Kiviõli Äripark. Vajaliku infrastruktuuri rajamiseks on investeeritud ligi 8 miljonit eurot, osaliselt on projekte kaasfinantseerinud EASi piirkondade konkurentsivõime tugevdamise toetusmeetmest.

Welcome | Rhode Island State Parks

Welcome | Rhode Island State Parks

Tähe Äripark OÜ (16090784)

Tähe Äripark OÜ Võlgnevused Maksu- ja Tolliametile. Viimase 180 päeva jooksul võlgnevused puuduvad. Tähe Äripark OÜ Võlgnevused. Võlgnevusi ei leitud. Võimalike võlaandmete avaldamiseks infoportaalis palun võtke ühendust kasutajatoega. Tähe Äripark OÜ Tarbijavaidluste komisjoni otsused.

ESG ratings and indices

Agendi''s expertise covers a range of ESG rating systems and indexes: CDP (the leading voluntary framework for climate and water disclosure) ESG ratings: Bloomberg, Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), FTSE4Good, ISS, Refinitiv, Sustainalytics, Moody''s ESG, MSCI ESG Research, Thomson Reuters ESG.


Agendi''s proven CDP-auditing tools improve scores while assessing TCFD maturity. Our transparency enables clients to define clear roadmaps toward climate goals; many …

Valga uued tulevikuplaanid: Lidl, Coop ja Piirilinna Äripark

Juulis sai rohelise tule Piirilinna Äripark ehk Priimetsa tootmis- ja ettevõtlusala Metsa tn 28 kinnistu arendus. Kunagine varemetes ja võsastunud maaüksus saab uueks tegevuskohaks eeldatavalt mitmetele ettevõtetele. Planeeringu koostamisest huvitatud isik asub püstitama hooneid, mis on kaasaegsed ja sobilikud kaubandus-, teenindus ...

Advisory Board

Agendi''s advisory board, built from renowned global industry experts, keeps our clients and us at the forefront of climate and sustainability. Victoire Carous For the last ten years, Victoire has worked around consumer businesses at the crossroads of better-for-you ...

Taking stock and looking ahead: expanding Agendi''s impact

2021 was an exceptional year for Agendi This has certainly been a year of growth and acceleration towards our mission to unlock business ambition and drive action on climate and sustainability ...

Tallinna külje alla ehitatakse 150 miljoni eest uusi äripindu

Kuna äripark asub lähedal mitmetele elupiirkondadele, nagu Laagri, Saue, Keila ja Saku, võidavad sellest ka piirkonna elanikud,» on Kuusk veendunud. Sinise Maja ümbruses olevad teed on avarad, maja juurde kuulub rohkelt autode parkimiskohti, jalgrattaparkla, elektriautode laadimispunktid ning nutipinkidega kergliiklusteed. Kogu hoonestus ...

Agendi | LinkedIn

Agendi | 8,580 followers on LinkedIn. Agendi brings a team of multidisciplinary experts to develop and implement your climate and sustainability programs. | Pioneers in the …


Iseteeninduse kasutamiseks logi sisse. Iseteeninduses saate hallata oma lepinguid, maksta arveid ning jälgida tarbimist.

Certifications and standards

Agendi''s expertise in certification schemes and standards: ISO 14000 series: ISO14001, ISO 14064, ISO 14067 etc. B ritish Standards Institution suite: PAS 2050, PAS 2060, PAS 7 430 etc. G reenhouse Gas Protoc ol Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) ...


Agendi has been built from the ground up by diverse and purpose-driven individuals who share a passion for sustainability and climate action. We are always seeking talented people with unique backgrounds to keep us at the forefront of our field. If you share our vision and believe you can contribute to our mission, please get

Constant Emissions Improvement in an Evolving Landscape

About the Client WRI is an international research nonprofit, with a mission to shift humanity towards a lifestyle that protects Earth''s environment and its capacity to provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future generations. Founded in 1982, the organization brings together over 1,400 experts and staff in 12 international offices. Working with

Agendi Email Format | agendi Emails

The most common Agendi email format is [first] (ex. jane@agendi ), which is being used by 94.9% of Agendi work email addresses. Other common Agendi email patterns are [first][last] (ex. janedoe@agendi ). In all, Agendi uses 2 work email formats.

Priisle äripark laieneb | Kinnisvara24

Priisle Äripark on uus logistika- ja tööstuspark Tallinnas Lasnamäe linnaosas, kus on arendamisel kokku ligi 20 000 ruutmeetrit multifunktsionaalseid pindu, mis võimaldavad paindlike ruumilahenduste näol koondada kaubandus, büroo, lao- või tööstusruumid ühe katuse alla. Rajatav äripark laiub kokku 3,1 hektarisel maa-alal ning on ...

Announcement of Montreal office opening

We are pleased to announce the opening of our new Montreal office. Agendi''s expansion to include a greater physical presence across North America is central to our continued growth plans. We look forward to delivering our leading climate and sustainability solutions from our permanent Montreal office […]


Agendi is the culmination of a vision for a sustainable future, and many years of dedication from CEO Arnaud Brohe together with partners Marie Braun and Helena Walsh. Our new brand name Agendi, derived from the Latin term, meaning ''what needs to be done'', is our acknowledgment of the global call to action on climate change – which we believe is the …

Agendi on LinkedIn: Station A partners with Agendi to turn …

This solution can be leveraged by Agendi''s clients to identify cost-effective electricity-related emissions reduction options and progress towards their decarbonization targets.


Le partenariat entre Moody''s et Agendi a permis de traduire notre ambition climatique en stratégie concrète. Grâce à celui-ci nous avons pu quantifier et réduire notre empreinte environnementale, fixer et assurer un suivi de nos objectifs sur une base scientifique et respecter notre engagement en matière d''énergies renouvelables.

Renewable energy

Agendi designs renewable energy strategies based on your current energy consumption and decarbonation roadmap. We account for international renewable markets and trends. Increase your climate resilience Transitioning to renewable energy is an impactful and cost-effective way to reduce a company''s emissions footprint.footprint.

Circular economy

Agendi identifies and helps you implement circular economy strategies that drive increased efficiency in your operations and unlock new areas of financial value, while decreasing your environmental footprint. This website uses cookies to …

L''équipe dirigeante

Avec des bureaux à New York, Londres et Montréal, notre équipe est constituée d''experts multidisciplinaires qui développent et implémentent des stratégies bas carbone et d''adaptation au changement climatique pour les entreprises. Nous nous appuyons sur de nombreuses années d''expérience dans le domaine ainsi qu''une expertise reconnue suite …

Sisense hit by data compromise, US cybersecurity agency says

By Raphael Satter WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sisense has been hit by a data compromise, the U.S. cybersecurity watchdog agency said in an alert on Thursday. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency urged Sisense''s customers to reset passwor...

Advisory Board

Speak to an Agendi expert today NEW YORK newyork@agendi (opens in a new tab) +1 (646) 705 5395 LONDON london@agendi (opens in a new tab) +44 (0) 7532 487742

Agendi team at New York Build Expo; sustainability and decarbonization are major themes

This week, Agendi''s Avatar Justin Simpson, Colleen Cochran, Rabin Valluri, and Susana Vidal attended the New York Build Expo, the area''s largest construction and design show. Sustainability and decarbonization were major themes of this year''s expo; among the takeaways: Calculating your greenhouse gas footprint (incl. building-use, embodied …

The Launch of Agendi

Agendi is the culmination of a vision for a sustainable future, and many years of dedication from CEO Arnaud Brohe together with partners Marie Braun and Helena Walsh. Our new …

Priisle 18

Priisle Äripark, asub vaid 10 minutilise sõidu kaugusel kesklinnast ja sinna pääseb mugavalt nii auto kui bussiga. Hea ligipääsetavus on tagatud Ida-Tallinna põhimagistraalidelt - Peterburi teelt ja Laagna teelt. Kiire ühendus on nii Tallinna ringtee, Muuga sadama kui Vana-Narva maantee tööstuspiirkonnaga.

L''équipe dirigeante

Avec des bureaux à New York, Londres et Montréal, ainsi qu''une presénce en Europe et en Amérique du Nord, notre équipe est constituée d''experts multidisciplinaires qui développent et implémentent des stratégies bas carbone et d''adaptation au changement climatique pour les entreprises. Nous nous appuyons sur de nombreuses années d''expérience dans le …

Tasuta pakkumine

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